Research Priorities
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Guam's Critical Water Resources Research, Education and Training Needs
These were identified in previous Advisory Council Meetings for Guam.
Identified at the Guam Advisory Council Meeting, Guam · Updated in October 5, 2015
Impact Issues
Definition: Research that leads to a better understanding of or the possible solution to problems caused by the impact of man’s activities or natural processes on Guam’s fresh water quality.
- Impact of the projected expansion of military infrastructure on the aquifer, water supply and waste water disposal systems of the island.
- Impact of storm water runoff and ponding basins on groundwater quality.
- Impact of conventional septic tanks on the chemistry and biology of groundwater in northern Guam.
- Impact of the Chamorro Land Trust and other non-regulated activities on land development over the Northern Guam Aquifer.
- Impact of sewer outfalls on the quality of streams and the near shore environment.
- Impact of past and currently used pesticides on Guam surface and groundwater quality.
- Impact of agricultural activities (including water usage) on ground and surface water resources of Guam.
- Impact of existing and proposed future pumping rates on chloride levels in the aquifer, basin by basin, well-field by well-field.
- Impact of primary vs. secondary wastewater discharge on biotic communities in remote coastal locations with emphasis on nutrient availability.
- Evaluate mitigation techniques for reducing the impact of Guam’s sewage treatment plants on the nutrient loading of receiving rivers, streams and coastal waters.
- Assess impacts of El Nino and other decadal and longer-scale drought/storm cycles on aquifer and/or surface catchment recharge, groundwater salinity, and/or other water quality/quantity parameters.
- Mobilization of modern day pesticides in Guam soils and potential impact on underlying groundwater resources.
- Impacts of free living fecal indicator bacteria from non-fecal sources on the reliability of existing recreational water quality standard.
Baseline Issues
Definition: Research that leads to a better understanding of existing levels of contaminants to serve as a basis to judge the effects of mans future activities on the quality of Guam’s fresh water resource.
- Baseline studies to establish background values of PCBs, pesticides, and heavy metals in estuaries and fresh waters island wide.
- Baseline studies to determine continuous salinity/temperature profiles versus rainfall in Guam’s groundwater monitoring wells.
- Baseline studies on ground and surface water quality and wetland ecology in watersheds and coastal zones adjacent to the new landfill.
- Baseline studies to determine frequent/continuous levels of nitrogenous compounds, phosphorous, etc. with respect to time, location, and depth in the subsurface (i.e., vadose and groundwater zones).
- Baseline studies for updating the recreational water quality standards for Guam.
Modeling Issues
Definition: Research aimed at developing means of predicting the fate and transport of containments in Guam’s freshwater systems.
- Application of existing soil erosion predicting models to various southern Guam watersheds to determine areas of reforestation.
- Modeling surface water contamination from non-point pollution sources, e.g., soil erosion in relation to surface runoff and rainfall.
- Identify and quantify natural purification mechanisms, including nitrogen-cycle transformation processes at work in the Northern Guam Aquifer system.
- Develop a GIS-based tool for prioritizing conservation areas for water protection, flood control/water storage needs, and contaminant transport by considering current land use, hydrology, etc.
- Modeling of spatial and temporal changes in wetlands and badlands of Southern Guam Watersheds.
- Identify spatial and temporal trends in levels of regulated and non regulated contaminants of concern in Guam’s groundwater.
Regulatory Issues
Definition: Research to investigate the need for new regulations and the effectiveness of existing regulations that deal with Guam’s fresh water quality issues.
- Examine the effectiveness and appropriateness of existing erosion control regulations for the reduction of soil erosion and determine whether these regulations are being followed and develop new regulations as appropriate.
- Evaluate the current status of septic tanks and associated leaching fields on Guam to determine the current level of regulatory compliance, and give consideration to corrective actions, including the allowance of innovative treatment units and development of appropriate design standards to improved treatment.
New Technologies and Techniques
Definition: Studies to investigate the development of, or application of new technologies to improve water quality.
- Research to examine the effectiveness of various local soils and substrate mixtures in reducing groundwater contamination of nitrate from septic tanks.
- Design a pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of bio-based waste disposal systems.
- Pilot study evaluation of innovative aerobic wastewater treatment units versus conventional anaerobic systems for individual homes.
Definition: Research aimed at gaining a better understanding of the availability, deliverability and sustainability of Guam’s surface water, groundwater and rainwater resources.
- Develop water budgets for Guam’s surface and groundwater watersheds.
- Explore the feasibility of developing a separate surface water supply system for agricultural use in Southern Guam.
- Determine sustainable management approaches for ground water production.
- Evaluate the impacts of land development on stream flow, runoff and erosion potential in central and southern Guam.
- Quantification and spatial distribution of surface water supplies in Southern Guam.
- Conduct field measurements of evapo-transpiration rates on Guam in order to better understand groundwater recharge rate.
- Expand and update Guam’s storm statistics.
- Continue studies to determine the response of the Northern Guam Lens aquifer to various rainfall events.
- Continue studies of vadose processes that control recharge quantity and rate for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- Conduct feasibility studies for identifying potential sites for small-scale hydropower plant development in southern Guam.
Definition: Watershed based research to determine best management practices for reduction in contamination in surface runoff and to provide information on Guam’s surface water sources and the required legislative framework required to protect these resources.
- Develop erosion control and rehabilitation plans for Southern Guam watersheds.
- Explore potential management strategies to protect and improve the quality of water entering the Ugum water treatment facility.
- Investigate the adequacy of Guam’s existing laws dealing with water rights in order to provide for the economic and expeditious development of Guam’s water supply.
- Evaluate the accuracy and enforceability of Guam’s existing flood plain maps.
- Continue baseline studies to provide more reliable data on sediment sources in southern Guam watersheds under various conditions.
- Determine the impact of sedimentation processes on the biota of streams and the near shore waters.
- Develop practical low-cost methods for reducing beach erosion in southern Guam.
- Map and determine sediment loads impacting Guam rivers as a result of ‘off-roading’ activities within the watershed.
- Determine the impact on soil erosion of ‘off-road’ recreational vehicle use in Guam’s watersheds.
Definition: Projects that lead to the public’s better understanding of water resources issues to include water resources training courses and workshops for k-12 students and teachers, the general public and island water resource managers and decision makers.
- Executive training on water resources issues for legislators and Gov Guam senior management officials, including CCU.
- Develop community water resources awareness and education projects.
- Develop K-12 education projects on island water resources and pollution prevention.
- Develop sediment mitigation workshops for badlands as well as construction sites
- Promote water related internship programs for environmental science students in Gov Guam agencies.
- Develop advanced professional courses in hydrology, hydrogeology hydraulics, water and wastewater system modeling for engineers at GWA and Guam EPA.
- Develop various water resources oriented GIS applications that would be useful to agency officials and others that could be made available to the general public.
- Develop public education programs on the costs of water quality.
- Develop training modules and templates for the development of community based watershed management programs with emphasis on the restoration and re-vegetation of Guam’s bad land areas.
- Develop training courses in water resources related subjects for teachers and general public.
- Develop educational training and outreach programs within the community highlighting the importance of protecting and preserving our watersheds and water resources. Educational outreach programs should begin with elementary schools in order to instill the importance of these issues at a young age.
- Continue updating the Northern Guam Aquifer Database with original water resources information.
- Develop public educational materials to explain the need and purpose of well head protection areas for the Northern Guam Aquifer.
- Conduct workshop for the Guam Waterworks Authority on the use of GIS based models to visualize spatial and temporal concentration changes and trends in contaminants of concern in Guam’s groundwater.
Impact Issues
Definition: Research that leads to a better understanding of or the possible solution to problems caused by the impact of mans activities or natural processes on Guam’s fresh water quality.
- Impact of the projected expansion of military infrastructure on the , aquifer, water supply and waste water disposal systems of the island
- Impact of storm water runoff and ponding basins on groundwater quality
- Impact of conventional septic tanks on the chemistry and biology of groundwater in northern Guam
- Impact of Chamorro Land Trust and other non-regulated activities on land development over the Northern Guam Aquifer
- Impact of sewer outfalls on the quality of streams and the nearshore environment
- Impact of past use of banned pesticides and organic substances on surface and groundwater
- Impact of agricultural activities (including water usage) on ground and surface water resources of Guam
- Impact of existing and proposed future pumping rates on chloride levels in the aquifer, sub-basin by sub-basin, well by well
- Impact of primary vs. secondary wastewater discharges on biotic communities in remote coastal locations with emphasis on nutrient availability
- Evaluate mitigation techniques for reducing the impact of Guam’s sewage treatment plants on the nutrient loading of receiving rivers, streams and coastal waters
- Potential impact of quarrying activities on the northern Guam’s aquifer
- Assess impacts of El Nino and other decadal and longer-scale drought/storm cycles on aquifer and/or surface catchment recharge, groundwater salinity, and/or other water quality/quantity parameters
- Mobilization of modern day pesticides in Guam soils and potential impact on underlying groundwater resources
- Impacts of free living fecal indicator bacteria from non-fecal sources on the reliability of existing recreational water quality standards
Baseline Issues
Definition: Research that leads to a better understanding of existing levels of contaminants to serve as a basis to judge the effects of mans future activities on the quality of Guam’s fresh water resource.
- Baseline studies to establish background values of PCBs, pesticides, and heavy metals in estuaries and fresh waters island wide
- Baseline studies to determine continuous salinity/temperature profiles versus rainfall in Guam’s groundwater monitoring wells
- Baseline studies on ground and surface water quality and wetland ecology in watersheds and coastal zones surrounding the proposed new landfill sites
- Baseline studies to determine frequent/continuous levels of nitrogenous compounds, phosphorous, etc. with respect to time, location, and depth in the subsurface (i.e., vadose and groundwater zones)
- Baseline bromide/chloride ratios in groundwater to determine suitability of alternative disinfection techniques (specifically ozonation) for GWUDI declared wells
Modeling Issues
Definition: Research aimed at developing means of predicting the fate and transport of containments in Guam’s freshwater systems.
- Application of existing soil erosion predicting models to various southern Guam watersheds to determine areas of reforestation
- Assist GWA with application of the MWH SOFT/WATER model to various hydraulic and water quality issues
- Modeling surface water contamination from non-point pollution sources, e.g., soil erosion in relation to surface runoff and rainfall
- Identify and quantify natural purification mechanisms, including nitrogen-cycle transformation at work in the Northern Guam Aquifer system
- Identification and mapping the sources, locations, movement, and fate of petroleum and other groundwater contaminants under northern Guam
- Spatial and temporal modeling of changes in wetlands and badlands in South Guam Watersheds
- Develop a 3-D groundwater flow model for the area around the new landfill site at Dan Dan
- Identify spatial and temporal trends in levels of contaminants of concern in Guam’s groundwater.
- Study to make use of Guam Waterworks Authority’s (GWA) archived water quality data base for regulated and non regulated contaminants currently monitored in accordance with the USEPA ‘Standardized Monitoring Framework’ under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Regulatory Issues
Definition: Research to investigate the need for new regulations and the effectiveness of existing regulations that deal with Guam’s fresh water quality issues.
- Examine the effectiveness and appropriateness of existing erosion control regulations for the reduction of soil erosion and determine whether these regulations being followed and develop new regulations as appropriate
New Technologies and Techniques
Definition: Studies to investigate the development of, or application of new technologies to improve water quality.
- Research to examine the effectiveness of various local soils and substrate mixtures in reducing groundwater contamination of nitrate from septic tanks
- Produce a GIS based application for the Guam Waterworks Authority that readily visualizes spatial and temporal concentration changes and trends in contaminants of concern in Guam’s groundwater
- Design a means of tracking PCBs from land based waste disposal sites into Guam’s coastal waters
- Design a pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of bio-based waste disposal systems using lined holding ponds and aquatic plants to assimilate nutrients/contaminants and reduce water volume by evaporative transpiration
- Pilot study evaluation of innovative aerobic wastewater treatment units versus conventional anaerobic systems for individual homes
Definition: Research aimed at gaining a better understanding of the availability, deliverability and sustainability of Guam’s surface water, groundwater and rainwater resources.
- Develop water budgets for Guam’s surface and groundwater watersheds.
- Explore the feasibility of developing a separate surface water supply system for agricultural use in South Guam.
- Determine maximum pumping rates for each of Guam’s drinking water production wells, and impact of overall production at adjacent wells, adjacent groundwater sub-basins and the northern Guam lens in general.
- Re-evaluation of the North Guam Aquifer sustainable development estimates.
- Evaluate the impacts of land development on stream flow, runoff and erosion potential in central and southern Guam.
- Quantification and spatial distribution of surface water supplies in Southern Guam.
- Field measurements of evapo-transpiration rates in order to better understand and evaluate groundwater recharge on Guam.
- Research legal and environmental issues of stream flow depletion resulting from impoundments and surface water diversions.
- Develop a three dimensional groundwater flow model for the Yigo-Tumon trough aquifer for use in water quantity studies.
- Develop a hydraulic model and a GIS based utility resource management system for GWA’s water supply and wastewater systems.
- Expand and updating the rainfall database for Guam with emphasis on:
- Monthly and annual rainfall distribution maps for the island.
- Return periods of events calculation (recurrence interval estimates) of extreme rainfall events from 1 minute to 24 h.
- Rainfall depth-duration-intensity-frequency relationships along with the aerial distribution of rainfall.
- Long term rain fall variability.
- Impact of very large rainfall events on Guam e.g., flooding, erosion, etc.
- Continue studies to determine the response of the Northern Guam Lens to various rainfall events.
- Conduct feasibility studies for identifying potential sites for small-scale hydropower plant development in southern Guam.
Definition: Watershed based research to determine best management practices for reduction in contamination in surface runoff and to provide information on Guam’s surface water sources and the required legislative framework required to protect these resources.
- Develop erosion control and rehabilitation plans for South Guam watersheds using risk assessment methods.
- Develop appropriate management strategies to protect and improve the quality of water supplied to the Ugum water treatment facility.
- Investigations to determine the adequacy of Guam’s existing laws dealing with water rights regarding the provision of economical and expeditious development of Guam’s water supply.
- Evaluate the accuracy and enforceability of Guam’s existing flood plain maps.
- Continue studies to provide more reliable information on sediment sources under varying watershed conditions.
- Undertake dye-trace, flow path mapping, and water chemistry studies related to runoff from Marine Drive, the International Airport, Tiyan, and the Harmon Industrial Park.
- Explore sources of sedimentation problems in Fena Reservoir
- Determine the impact of sedimentation processes on the biota of streams and the near shore marine environment
- Dye trace study to determine where waters exiting from the middle reaches of the Togcha River (interrupted river) reappear in the adjacent coastal belt
- Develop practical low-cost methods for reducing beach erosion in southern Guam
- Develop a synthesis of badland restoration practices, providing a comparative analysis of cost effectiveness and suitability for southern Guam watersheds
- Map and determine sediment loads impacting the Sigua River as a result of ‘off-roading’ activities within the watershed
- Determine the impact on soil erosion of ‘off-road’ recreational vehicle use in Guam’s watersheds. How will this be affected by the projected military build-up and what should we do about it?
Definition: Projects that lead to the public’s better understanding of water resources issues to include water resources training courses and workshops for k-12 students and teachers, the general public and island water resource managers and decision makers.
- Executive training on water resources issues for Legislators and Gov Guam senior management officials, including CCU
- Develop community water resources awareness and education projects
- Develop K-12 education projects on island water resources and pollution prevention.
- Develop sediment mitigation workshops for badlands as well as construction sites
- Promote water related intern programs for environmental science students in Gov Guam agencies. In particular, there is a need for an internship with GWA for water system modeling and geographic information systems
- Develop advanced courses in hydrology, hydraulics and water system modeling for engineers at GWA and Guam EPA
- Develop various water resources oriented GIS applications that would be useful to agency officials and others that could be made available to the general public
- Develop public education programs on the costs of water quality
- Develop public education on cradle-to-grave wastewater issues addressing sources of wastewater and methods of treatment and discharge or reuse
- Develop training modules and templates for the development of community based watershed management programs with emphasis on the restoration and re-vegetation of Guam’s bad land areas
- Develop teacher training courses in water resources related subjects
- Develop general public training in water resources issues especially in getting technical matters into a language the general public can understand
- Develop educational training and outreach programs within the community about the importance of protecting and preserving our watersheds and water resources. Educational outreach programs should begin with elementary schools in order to instill the importance of these issues at a young age
- Design research data driven training courses for Guam Waterworks Authority to facilitate improved management practices of the island’s water resource
- Develop and conduct a wastewater system hydraulic modeling course that parallels the current water system modeling course designed by WERI
- Upgrading the Northern Guam Aquifer Database to include original water resources information.
- Develop public education on the economics of sustainability Guam’s water resources
Impact Issues
Definition: Research that leads to a better understanding of or the possible solution to problems caused by the impact of mans activities or natural processes on Guam´s fresh water quality.
- Impact of the projected expansion of military infrastructure on the , aquifer, water supply and waste water disposal systems of the island.
- Impact of storm water runoff and ponding basins on groundwater quality.
- Impact of conventional septic tanks on the chemistry and biology of groundwater in northern Guam.
- Impact of Chamorro Land Trust and other non-regulated activities on land development over the Northern Guam Aquifer.
- Impact of sewer outfalls on the quality of streams and the nearshore environment.
- Impact of past use of banned pesticides and organic substances on surface and groundwater.
- Impact of agricultural activities (including water usage) on ground and surface water resources of Guam.
- Impact of existing and proposed future pumping rates on chloride levels in the aquifer, sub-basin by sub-basin, well by well.
- Beneficial ecological impact of primary vs. secondary wastewater discharges in remote coastal locations.
- Evaluate mitigation techniques for reducing the impact of Guam’s sewage treatment plants on the nutrient loading of receiving rivers, streams and coastal waters.
- Potential impact of quarrying activities on the northern Guam’s aquifer.
- Assess impacts of El Nino and other decadal and longer-scale drought/storm cycles on aquifer and/or surface catchment recharge, groundwater salinity, and/or other water quality/quantity parameters.
Baseline Issues
Definition: Research that leads to a better understanding of existing levels of contaminants to serve as a basis to judge the effects of mans future activities on the quality of Guam’s fresh water resource.
- Baseline studies to determine if Guam’s drinking water wells fall under the U.S. EPA ter Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI) (GWUDI) rule.
- Baseline studies to establish background values of PCBs, pesticides, and heavy metals in estuaries and fresh waters island wide.
- Baseline studies to determine continuous salinity/temperature profiles versus rainfall in Guam’s groundwater monitoring wells.
- Baseline studies on ground and surface water quality and wetland ecology in watersheds and coastal zones surrounding the proposed new landfill sites.
- Baseline bromide/chloride ratios in groundwater to determine suitability of alternative disinfection techniques (specifically ozonation) for GWUDI declared wells.
Modeling Issues
Definition: Research aimed at developing means of predicting the fate and transport of containments in Guam’s freshwater systems.
- Model best management practices for treatment of GWUDI declared drinking water production wells.
- Application of existing soil erosion predicting models to various southern Guam watersheds to determine areas of reforestation.
- Assist GWA with application of the MWH SOFT/WATER model to various hydraulic and water quality issues.
- Modeling surface water contamination from non-point pollution sources, e.g., soil erosion in relation to surface runoff and rainfall.
- Identify and quantify natural purification mechanisms at work in the Northern Guam Aquifer system.
- Development of a three dimensional groundwater flow model for the Yigo-Tumon trough aquifer for use in water quality studies.
- Identification and mapping the sources, locations, movement, and fate of petroleum and other groundwater contaminants under northern Guam.
- Spatial and temporal modeling of changes in wetlands and badlands in South Guam Watersheds .
- Develop a 3-D groundwater flow model for the area around the proposed new landfill site at Dan Dan.
- Identify spatial and temporal concentration changes and trends in contaminants of concern in Guam’s groundwater (dieldrin, chlordane, TCE, PCE, nitrate, chloride, microbiological components).
- Study to make use of GWA archived water quality data for regulated and non regulated contaminants currently monitored in accordance with the USEPA ‘Standardized Monitoring Framework’ under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Regulatory Issues
Definition: Research to investigate the need for new regulations and the effectiveness of existing regulations that deal with Guam’s fresh water quality issues.
- Impact of new U.S. EPA Ground Water Regulations on the operation of the GWA groundwater system, with emphasis on the development of Guam specific regulations that best match the requirements in U.S. EPA’s GWUDI rules.
- Examine the effectiveness and appropriateness of existing erosion control regulations for the reduction of soil erosion and determine whether these regulations being followed and develop new regulations as appropriate.
New Technologies
Definition: Studies to investigate the development of, or application of new technologies to improve water quality.
- Research to examine the effectiveness of various local soils and substrate mixtures in reducing groundwater contamination of nitrate from septic tanks.
- Research engineering and design options for below ground storage technologies for rainwater harvesting and surface water retention.
Definition: Research aimed at gaining a better understanding of the availability, deliverability and sustainability of Guam’s surface water, groundwater and rainwater resources.
- Develop water budgets for Guam’s surface and groundwater watersheds.
- Explore the feasibility of developing a separate surface water supply system for agricultural use in South Guam.
- Determine maximum pumping rates for each of Guam’s drinking water production wells, and impact of overall production at adjacent wells, adjacent groundwater sub-basins and the northern Guam lens in general.
- Re-evaluation of the North Guam Aquifer sustainable development estimates.
- Evaluate the impacts of land development on stream flow, runoff and erosion potential in central and southern Guam.
- Quantification and spatial distribution of surface water supplies in Southern Guam.
- Field measurements of evapo-transpiration rates in order to better understand and evaluate groundwater recharge on Guam.
- Research legal and environmental issues of stream flow depletion resulting from impoundments and surface water diversions.
- Develop a three dimensional groundwater flow model for the Yigo-Tumon trough aquifer for use in water quantity studies.
- Develop a hydraulic model and a GIS based utility resource management system for GWA’s water supply and wastewater systems.
- Expand and updating the rainfall database for Guam with emphasis on:
- Monthly and annual rainfall distribution maps for the island.
- Return periods of events calculation (recurrence interval estimates) of extreme rainfall events from 1 minute to 24 h.
- Rainfall depth-duration-intensity-frequency relationships along with the aerial distribution of rainfall.
- Long term rain fall variability.
- Impact of very large rainfall events on Guam e.g., flooding, erosion, etc.
- Continue studies to determine the response of the Northern Guam Lens to various rainfall events.
- Conduct feasibility studies for identifying potential sites for small-scale hydropower plant development in southern Guam.
Definition: Watershed based research to determine best management practices for reduction in contamination in surface runoff and to provide information on Guam’s surface water sources and the required legislative framework required to protect these resources.
- Develop erosion control and rehabilitation plans for South Guam watersheds using risk assessment methods.
- Develop appropriate management strategies to protect and improve the quality of water supplied to the Ugum water treatment facility.
- Investigations to determine the adequacy of Guam’s existing laws dealing with water rights regarding the provision of economical and expeditious development of Guam’s water supply.
- Evaluate the accuracy and enforceability of Guam’s existing flood plain maps.
- Continue studies to provide more reliable information on sediment sources under varying watershed conditions.
- Undertake dye-trace, flow path mapping, and water chemistry studies related to runoff from Marine Drive, the International Airport, Tiyan, and the Harmon Industrial Park.
- Development of a watershed atlas for south Guam Watersheds.
- Explore sources of sedimentation problems in Fena Reservoir .
- Determine the impact of sedimentation processes on the biota of streams and the near shore marine environment.
- Dye trace study to determine where waters exiting from the middle reaches of the Togcha River (interrupted river) reappear in the adjacent coastal belt.
- Develop practical low-cost methods for reducing beach erosion in southern Guam.
- Develop a synthesis of badland restoration practices, providing a comparative analysis of cost effectiveness and suitability for southern Guam watersheds.
- Map and determine sediment loads impacting the Sigua River as a result of ‘off-roading’ activities within the watershed.
- Determine the impact on soil erosion of ‘off-road’ recreational vehicle use in Guam’s watersheds. How will this be affected by the projected military build-up and what should we do about it? .
- LIDAR based drainage delineations of all southern Guam watersheds.
Definition: Projects that lead to the public’s better understanding of water resources issues to include water resources training courses and workshops for k-12 students and teachers, the general public and island water resource managers and decision makers.
- Executive training on water resources issues for Legislators and Gov Guam senior management officials, including CCU.
- Develop community water resources awareness and education projects.
- Develop K-12 education projects on island water resources and pollution prevention similar to that developed by WERI for school teachers in FSM.
- Develop sediment mitigation workshops for badlands as well as construction sites.
- Promote water related intern programs for environmental science students in Gov Guam agencies. In particular, there is a need for an internship with GWA for water system modeling and geographic information systems.
- Develop advanced courses in hydrology, hydraulics and water system modeling for engineers at GWA and Guam EPA.
- Develop various water resources oriented GIS applications that would be useful to agency officials and others that could be made available to the general public.
- Develop public education programs on the costs of water quality.
- Develop water and waste water system operator’s certification training.
- Develop programs to provide general education of the public on how to provide safe drinking water in their homes.
- Develop training modules and templates for the development of community based watershed management programs.
- Develop teacher training courses in water resources related subjects.
- Develop general public training in water resources issues especially in getting technical matters into a language the general public can understand.
- Outreach programs to educate citizens without access to the World Wide Web.
- Develop educational training and outreach programs within the community about the importance of protecting and preserving our water resources. Educational outreach programs should begin with elementary schools in order to instill the importance of these issues at a young age.
- Design research data driven training courses for Guam Waterworks Authority to facilitate improved management practices of the island’s water resource.
- Develop and conduct a wastewater system hydraulic modeling course that parallels the current water system modeling course designed by WERI.
Approved Projects
- Expansion of baseline data for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and evaluation of innovative treatments to reduce contaminant input to the aquifer.
- Enhancing Predictions of Average Flow and Flow Duration Curves at Ungauged Stream Sites in Guam Using the USGS South Guam Streamflow Model.
- Exploring the natural limits of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: A step toward optimum sustainable management, Phase 3 – model implementation: determining ultimate yield.
Completed Projects
- The Influence of Sediment Load and Riparian Vegetation on the Diversity and Habitat use of Native Streamfish and Invertebrates of Guam.
- Presenting ‘Guam Water Kids’: Public School Outreach and Teacher Relations Program
- Reconstructing the Ancient Rainfall-Drought History of Guam
- Continuing Calibration and Application of LUOM in Southern Guam Watersheds
- Applications of LiDAR Data for Inarajan Watershed Management
- Teaching Teachers about Guam’s Water Resources and ‘Guam Water Kids’: 1 Credit Hour Continuing Education Course with Guam Department of Education, Professional & International Program-University of Guam, and WERI.
- One-Day Executive/Professional Field Course, with Webpage on Sustainable Management of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- Spatial and Temporal Analyses of the Relationship between Groundwater Salinity and Rainfall Amounts, Timing, and Intensity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- LiDAR-based Delineation and Hydrologic Modeling of Southern and Central Guam Watersheds.
- Presenting ‘Guam Water Kids’: Private, DoDEA School Outreach/Teacher Relations Program.
- Comprehensive Analysis of Salinity Trends in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- Reconstructing the Sea Surface Temperature and Wet-Dry Climate History of Guam.
- Teaching Teachers about Guam’s Water Resources and ‘Guam Water Kids’: 1 Credit Hour Continuing Education Course with Guam Department of Education, Professional & International Program-University of Guam, and WERI.
- One-Day Executive/Professional Field Course, with Webpage on Sustainable Management of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- Spatial and Temporal Analyses of the Relationship between Groundwater Salinity and Rainfall Amounts, Timing, and Intensity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- LiDAR-based Delineation and Hydrologic Modeling of Southern and Central Guam Watersheds.
- Presenting ‘Guam Water Kids’: Private, DoDEA School Outreach/Teacher Relations Program.
- Comprehensive Analysis of Salinity Trends in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- Reconstructing the Sea Surface Temperature and Wet-Dry Climate History of Guam.
- Teaching Teachers about Guam’s Water Resources and ‘Guam Water Kids’: 1 Credit Hour Continuing Education Course with Guam Department of Education, Professional & International Program-University of Guam, and WERI.
- One-Day Executive/Professional Field Course, with Webpage on Sustainable Management of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- Spatial and Temporal Analyses of the Relationship between Groundwater Salinity and Rainfall Amounts, Timing, and Intensity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.
- LiDAR-based Delineation and Hydrologic Modeling of Southern and Central Guam Watersheds.
- Estimating the Natural Limits of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: A First Step Toward Sustainable Management.- Prediction of Flow Duration Curves at Ungaged Stream Sites in Guam.
- Prediction of Flow Duration Curves at Ungaged Stream Sites in Guam.
- Expanding ‘Guam Water Kids’ with Five Modules to Prepare HS Students for Service-Learning Opportunities Beneficial to Freshwater Resources.
- One-Day Field Course for Water Resource Professionals and Island Educators, with Educational Webpage on the Northern Guam Aquifer.
- Protect Guam Fresh Water: Taking Personal Responsibility for Pollution, Conservation and Community Action
- Calibration and Application of LUOM (Luo 2007) in Southern Guam Watersheds with and without Flow Data
- Reconstrucing the Ancient Rainfall Drought History of Guam
- Impacts of Land Cover Change on Groundwater Quality in Guam