Curriculum Vitae

Nathan C. Habana
Associate Professor of Groundwater Hydrology
Chief Hydrologist

Barry (Yong Sang) Kim
Associate Professor of Water Engineering

Blaž Miklavič
Assistant Professor of Geology

Yuming Wen
WERI Interim Director
Associate Professor of GIS

Yeo, PE
Assistant Professor of Surface Water Hydrology
Nathan C. Habana
Associate Professor of Groundwater Hydrology, Chief Hydrologist
Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam, Mangilao, GU 96913
DBA NCHabana, Environmental Consultant and Technical Services
Phone: 1-671-735-2685
UOG Mission – Ina diskubre setbe (Enlighten, discover and serve)
- Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, Mapúa Institute of Technology, 2015
- A.A.S., Health Care Management, Community College of the Air Force, 2010
- M.S., Environmental Science, University of Guam, WERI, Mangilao, 2009,
- A.A.S., Biomedical Equipment Technology, CCAF, 2008
- B.S., Chemistry, minor Mathematics, University of Guam, 2001
Professional Development
Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling with Groundwater Modeling Systems (GMS), C.E.U. 28 Hours, Aquaveo, Provo, UT, 2019.
Academic Positions
- Associate Professor, Groundwater Hydrology, Tenured, WERI, UOG, 2020-Present.
- Assistant Professor, Groundwater Hydrology, WERI, UOG, 2015-2020.
- Staff Hydrologist, WERI, UOG, 2009-2015.
- Graduate Research Assistant, WERI, UOG, 2006-2009. Research Assistant, WERI, UOG, 2003-2004, 2005.
- Secondary Education Science Teacher, GDOE, 2001-2003. Undergraduate
- Research Assistant, WERI, UOG, 1998-1999, 2000-2001.
Non-Academic Positions
- Health Service Management, USAFR, 2008-2016. Biomedical Equipment Technician, USAFR, 2005-2008.
- Basic Military Training and Technical School, USAF, 2004-2005.
Professional Activities
WERI Groundwater Hydrology Researcher; Graduate Faculty Member, Graduate Studies Environmental Science Program; and Principal Hydrologist, DBA NCHabana, Environmental Consultant and Technical Services, Guam.
Research Focus and Duties
Hydrologic observation, data organization, analysis, and interpretation; groundwater flow and solute transport processes; hydrologic site characterization; hydrologic and nitrogen cycle; hydrogeology; water quality analysis; Guam Hydrologic Survey (GHS) Program and Information Management.
- EV-511 Engineering and Geosciences, Block 3 Hydrogeology, SP 2015-Present
- EV-543 Hydrogeology, Block 2 Groundwater Physics, F-Odd 2015, 2017, 2019
- ES-100 Intro to Engineering, Guest Lecturer, 2014-2018
- Undergraduate and Graduate Research Assistant mentorship, 2015-Present
- GHS Workshop, 2016, 2017, 2020
- Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Tour, Spring 2015-2019
- Annual Guam Water Research Advisory Council Meeting, 2006-Present
- GHS Interagency: Groundwater Resource Development and Technical Experts Group, quarterly and upon request, 2015-2019
- Dougher, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, and K. Ho. 2019.
Dynamic Response of a Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in Recharge, International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7: 20-27. - Denton, G.R.W., C.A. Emborski, N.C. Habana, and J.A. Starmer. 2014.
Influence of urban runoff, inappropriate waste disposal practices and World War on the heavy metal status of sediments in the southern half of Saipan Lagoon, Saipan, CNMI. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 81(1): 276- 281. - Habana, N.C., J.W.L. Salvacion, J.W. Jenson, J.D. Rouse. 2013. VADOCHARGE- N: a vadose flow and N-transport simulation model for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. International Journal of Engineering Science Technology and Research. Vol. 1(11):268-287.
- Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, A.E. Olsen, J.W. Jenson, J.W.L. Salvacion. 2013.
VADOCHARGE: Groundwater Recharge Model for an Uplifted Island Karst Aquifer, Guam, USA. International Journal of Engineering Science Technology and Research. 1(8):141-164.
Technical Reports
- Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, and D.K.U. Valerio. 2022. Surface Hydrology of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. WERI Technical Report 175, 48 pp.
- Bourke, P., J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and M.A. Lander. 2020. A hydrogeologic survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: engineering and design recommendations for rehabilitation. WERI Technical Report 172, 102 pp.
- Superales, D.G., N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson. 2019. Defining and evaluating production capacity for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. WERI Technical Report 170: 57 pp.
- Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, and M. Ziobro. 2020. Development of a GIS based imagery database for groundwater recharge areas and key reaches of streams on Guam phase II. WERI Technical Report 171: 49 pp.
- Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, and M. Ziobro. 2019. Development of a GIS based imagery database for groundwater recharge areas and key reaches of streams on Guam. WERI Technical Report 169: 59 pp.
- Dougher, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, K. Ho., and G.C. Aguilar. 2019. Dynamic response of the freshwater lens to natural variations in recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. WERI Technical Report 168: 39 pp.
- Simard, C.A., J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, R.M. Manzanilla, D.G. Superales, and N.C. Habana. 2015. Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. WERI Technical Report 143: 82 pp.
- Vann, D.T., V.M. Bendixson, D.F. Roff, C.A. Simard, R.M. Schumann, N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson. 2014. Topography of the basement rock beneath the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and its implications for groundwater exploration and development. WERI Technical Report 142: 72 pp.
- Bendixson, V.M., J.W. Jenson, and N.C. Habana. 2014. The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Database w/ accompanying CD. WERI Technical Report 141, 2nd Edition: 95 pp.
- Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, A.E. Olsen, and J.W. Jenson. 2009. Vadose Flow Synthesis for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. WERI Technical Report 127: 231 pp.
M.S. Thesis Paper, Thesis Advisor, Environmental Science Graduate Program UOG
- Bourke, P. 2020. A hydrogeologic survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: engineering and design recommendations for rehabilitation. M.S. thesis. Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam. Co-advisor.
- Superales, D.G. 2019. Defining and evaluating production capacity for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. M.S. thesis. Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Advisor. - Dougher, B. 2019. Dynamic response of the freshwater lens to natural variations in recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon Basin.
M.S. thesis, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam. Advisor.
Scientific Advisory Reports
- Jenson, J.W., M.H. Yeo, and N.C. Habana. 2022. Hydrogeologic assessment of areas A, B, D, F and Sinkholes in the J-100B Finegayan Utilities and Site Improvements Project, Phase 1, Marine Corps Activity Guam, Final Report. Research Corporation University of Guam (RCUOG) WERI Scientific Advisory Report (SAR) for Granite- Obayashi a Joint Venture (GOJV): 165 pp.
- Bulaklak, J., N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson. 2020. Nitrate occurrence and trends in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: observations and findings to date, WERI Scientific Advisory Paper. The Guam Daily Post: 5 pp.
- Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana. 2020. Hydrogeological assessment of the Urban Combat Training Project Site, Anderson AFB, Guam, Final. RCUOG, WERI Scientific Advisory Report (SAR) for Merrick and Company:
227 pp. - Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana. 2019. Hydrogeologic assessment for closed-contour depressions identified in the J-0001B Finegayan Utilities and site improvements project. RCUOG WERI SAR for (GOJV):
200 pp. - Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana. 2019. Geotechnical assessment of the NSSAR Site, Live-Fire Training Range Complex, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. RCUOG WERI SAR for Black Construction Corporation: 108 pp.
- Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana. 2019. Hydrogeologic assessment of the suspect sinkhole area at AC15 NIC Site: J-001B Finegayan Utilities and Site Improvements Project, Phase 1, Marine Corps Activity Guam.
RCUOG WERI SAR for GOJV: 74 pp. - Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana. 2018. Hydrogeological assessment: Live-Fire Training Range Complex, sinkhole, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. West Pacific Geoscience Consulting (WPGC) SAR for Black Construction Corporation 2018: 98 pp.
- Jenson, J.W., Y.S. Kim, and N.C. Habana. 2018. Terrain analysis and sinkhole reconnaissance: planned firing range, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam (P735 Firing Range). WPGC SAR for Duenas Camacho and Associates (DCA): 66 Pp.
- Jenson, J.W., and N.C. Habana. 2015. Terrain analysis and sinkhole reconnaissance: planned firing range area Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, WPGC SAR for DCA.
- Jenson, J.W., and N.C. Habana. 2015. Guam International Airport, Stormwater infiltration analysis and recommendations in support of design of stormwater system improvements, WPGC and Allied Pacific Environmental Consulting SAR for Gutteridge Haskins & Davey: 46 pp.
Conference Papers
- Kim, Y.S., M.N. Duenas, N.C. Habana, R. Lohmann, and J. Becanova. 2019. Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Concentrations in Water Resources of Guam, International Conference on Geological and Environmental Sustainability, Seoul, December 21, 2019.
- Dougher, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, and M.A. Lander. 2019. Dynamic response of a freshwater lens to natural variations in recharge. Proceedings of 186th International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management – International Conference on Environment and Natural Science, Seoul, 4-5 July. IASTEM,
- Denton, G.R.W., C.M. Sian Denton, Y.S. Kim, J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and M.A. Lander. 2018. Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS): a contaminant of emerging concern in Guam’s groundwater, Proceedings of the 125th The Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists (The IRES) International Conference, Beijing, 29-30 June. The IRES,
- Habana, N.C., J.W.L. Salvacion, J.W. Jenson, J.D. Rouse. 2013. VADOCHARGE- N: a vadose flow and N-transport simulation model for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Pasay City, 30 September to 01 October.
Intramuros, ICSET. - Habana, N.C., L.F. Heitz, A.E. Olsen, J.W. Jenson, and J.W.L. Salvacion. 2012. AQUA CHARGE: a model for estimating groundwater recharge in an uplifted island karst aquifer, Guam, USA. International Water Association: World Water Congress, Busan, 16-21 September.
Presentations and Abstracts
- Habana, N.C., J.W. Jenson, and L.F. Heitz. 2021. Surface Hydrology of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, International Tropical Islands Water Conference (Tropical Island Water Futures: Water for People and Ecosystems in the Face of Change), Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, via Zoom Online.
- Bulaklak, J.Y., N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson. 2021. Production Well Nitrate-N Trends of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. International Tropical Islands Water Conference (Tropical Island Water Futures: Water for People and Ecosystems in the Face of Change), Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, via Zoom Online.
- Dueñas, M.N.C., Y.S. Kim, M. Vuki, N.C. Habana, and J.W. Jenson. 2021. Investigation of Potentially Perflouroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Impacted Sites in Guam. International Tropical Islands Water Conference (Tropical Island Water Futures: Water for People and Ecosystems in the Face of Change), Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, via Zoom Online.
- Jenson, J.W. and N.C. Habana. 2019. Toward a Sustainable Management Concept for Coastal and Island Aquifers. National Groundwater Association (NGWA), Groundwater Week, Summit Conference Sessions: Sustainability and Planning Session, Las Vegas Convention Center, 3-5 December. NGWA: Paper/12869.
- Bourke, P., J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and M.A. Lander. 2019.
Hydrogeologic Survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: Determination of its Natural Capacity and Development Options. NGWA, Groundwater Week, Summit Conference Sessions: Sustainability and Planning Session, Las Vegas Convention Center, 3-5 December. NGWA: gw19/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/12886. - Kim, Y.S., M.A. Duenas, N.C. Habana, G.R.W. Denton, J.W. Jenson, and M.A. Lander. 2019. Groundwater contamination by polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Guam. Proceedings of 186th IASTEM International Conference, Seoul, 4-5 July. IASTEM,
- Dougher, B., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, and K. Ho. 2018. Dynamic response of the freshwater lens to natural variations in recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon Basin. NGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA:
- Superales, D.G., N.C. Habana, J.W. Jenson, and S.B. Gingerich. 2018. Defining and Evaluating Groundwater Production Capacity for an Island Aquifer: Production Well System in the Parabasal Zone, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. NGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA:
/Paper12153.html. - Kim, Y.S., J.W. Jenson, and N.C. Habana. 2018. Consideration Factors of Production-Well Rehabilitation Assessment on Guam. NGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA: https://ngwa.
- Bautista, K., J.W. Jenson, N.C. Habana, and Y.S. Kim. 2018. Guam Water Resources Monitoring Program. NGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA: ngwa/gw18/webprogram/Paper12199.html.
- Habana, N.C., and J.W. Jenson. 2018. The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Map. NGWA, Groundwater Week, Poster Sessions, Las Vegas, 3-6 December. NGWA:
- Habana, N.C., J.W. Jenson, and S.B. Gingerich. 2017. Evaluating Best- Practice Capacities for a Carbonate Island Karst Aquifer, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Guam, USA. NGWA Groundwater Summit 2017, Nashville, 4-7 December. NGWA: 2017gws/webprogram/ Session12289.html.
- Simard, C., J.W. Jenson, M.A. Lander, M.Q. McDonald, and N.C. Habana.
2016. Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer: Natural and Human Factors. American Water Works Association, Hawaii Section, Western Pacific Subsection (AWWA-HIWPS) Annual Conference, Tumon and Hagåtña, 11-12 April. AWWA-HIWPS: conference. html. - Habana, N.C., J.W. Jenson, and S.B. Gingerich. 2015. Exploring Best- Practice Capacities in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. 2nd Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands, Honolulu, 1-3 December. Water Resources Research Center (WRRI), University of Hawaii at Manoa: 11315.pdf.
- Denton, G.R.W., C. Sian Denton, and N.C. Habana. 2015. Dieldrin: An Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminant of Potential Concern in Guam’s Groundwater. 2nd Conference on Water Resource Sustainability Issues on Tropical Islands, Honolulu, 1-3 December. Water Resources Research Center (WRRI), University of Hawaii at Manoa: http://www.wrrc.hawaii. edu/2015conference/Program11315.pdf.
- Habana, N.C., Jenson, J.W., and Gingerich, S.B. 2015. Exploring Best- Practice Capacities in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. AWWA-HIWPS Water and Wastewater Conference, Tumon, 13-14 April. AWWA-HIWPS:
- Habana, N.C., J.W.L. Salvacion, J.W. Jenson, J.D. Rouse, and L.F. Heitz.
2013. VADOCHARGE-N: Deep Karst Vadose Flow and N Transport Simulation Model for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. 27th Pacific Islands Environment Conference, Tumon, 26-28 June. Guam EPA: https://issuu. com/guamepa/docs/piec_conferencebrochure/17.
Online Products
- Interagency Maps, WERI Web MApps
- Chloride Production Database Online
- Borehole Database Online
- Guam Hydrologic Survey Website
- WERI Website
- The Northern Guam Lens Aquifer Map
John W. Jenson
Director, Chief Hydrogeologist & Professor of Environmental Geology, Water & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam Mangilao, GU 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-2689 (GMT+10 hr)
- Ph.D. Geology (minors in Civil Engineering & Water Resources), Oregon State University
- M.A. Applied Economics, University of Michigan B.S. Economics
- US Air Force Academy, Distinguished Graduate
Dr. Jenson’s research encompasses both applied and fundamental aspects of island groundwater hydrology and related environmental science. Recent work on Guam’s groundwater resources includes assessments of sinkholes and other drainage features on new constructions sites, evaluation of newly-drilled and rehabilitated wells, evaluation of rehabilitation potential for long-out-of-service wells, and reconnaissance of promising sites for new production wells in Guam’s 120+ production-well system. Past applied work includes a comprehensive hydrogeological evaluation of the stormwater drainage potential of a large sinkhole on Andersen Air Force Base, adjacent to an aircraft parking facility. Recently completed work includes a hydrogeologic study of Santa Rita Spring to provide engineering design recommendations for rehabilitation, and a numerical modeling study to evaluate sustainable yield from the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. Recent work also includes a hydrogeologic field study of the Finegayan Basin, northwest Guam; a field study of vadose percolation in the aquifer; and a long-term study of salinity patterns and trends in Guam’s production wells. Basic geological projects have included mapping the geology of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer and updating the general geologic map of Guam. Previous regional work includes field and numerical modeling studies of atoll island aquifers in the Caroline Islands. From 1997 through 2013, Dr. Jenson collaborated with Dr. John Mylroie of Mississippi State University to develop and apply the Carbonate Island Karst Model to the region’s tectonically active limestone-capped islands: Guam, Saipan, Tinian, and Rota in the Mariana Islands, and Fais, the one raised limestone island in the Caroline Islands. Work on Fais also included a survey of water resource potential, water-use patterns, and recommendations for integrated use of groundwater wells and rainwater catchments for meeting routine and emergency needs. Dr. Jenson’s basic scientific research activities also include collaborative work with Dr. Jay Banner, University of Texas-Austin, to characterize Guam paleoclimate from speleothems and corals, along with related topics, including sea-level history, coastal speleogenesis and the hydrogeological evolution of the aquifer.
Graduate Students and Theses Completed (short titles)
- Paul Bourke, MS, 2020: Hydrogeology and Rehabilitation of Santa Rita Spring, Guam
- Kaylyn Bautista, MS, 2017: Vadose hydrology of Jinapsan Cave, Guam
- Ida Shalilian, MS, 2017: Hydrogeology of the Finegayan Basin, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
- David Vann, MS, 2014: Basement Topography of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
- Vivianna Bendixson, MS, 2013: Hydrologic Database of the Norther Guam Lens Aquifer
- Christine Simard, MS, 2012: Salinity Trends and Patterns in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer
- Tomoko Bell, MS, 2011: Fifty-Year Climatic Record of Guam from Coral
- Blaž Miklavič, MS, 2010 (w/John Mylroie, MSU): Pleistocene Sea-Level History of Guam
- Ryan Bailey, MS, 2008: A Groundwater Model for Atoll Island Aquifers
- Michelle Hoffman, MS, 2007: Fluorescence in Guam’s Coastal Waters
- Robert MacCracken, MS, 2006: Water Resources of Fais Island, Federated States of Micronesia
- Curt Wexel, MS, 2006: Karst Features of Saipan
- Monty Keel, MS, 2005 (w/John Mylroie, MSU): Karst Features of Rota
- Kevin Stafford, MS, 2004 (w/John Mylroie, MSU): Karst Features of Tinian and Aguijan
- David Moran, MS, 2002: Dye Trace of Harmon Sink, Guam
- Mauryn McDonald, MS, 2001: Salinity on Guam Water Wells
- Danko Taboroši, MS, 2000: Karst Inventory of Guam
- John Jocson, MS, 1998: Recharge of the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer from a Modeling Study
Journal Articles (five most recent)
Carlson, P.E., Noronha, A.L., Banner, J.L., Jenson, J.W., Moore, M.W., Partin, J.W., Deininger, M., Breecker, D.O., Bautista, K.K. (2020). “Constraining speleothem oxygen isotope disequilibrium driven by rapid CO2 degassing and calcite precipitation: Insights from monitoring and modeling,” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 284: 222–238, 2020.06.012
Beal, L.K., Wong, C.I., Bautista, K.K., Jenson, J.W., Banner, J.L., Lander, M.A., Gingerich, S.B., Partin, J.W., Hardt, B.F., van Oort, N.H. (2019). “Isotopic and geochemical assessment of the sensitivity of groundwater resources of Guam, Mariana Islands, to intra- and inter-annual variations in hydroclimate,” Journal of Hydrology 568: 174-183, 2018.10.049
Gingerich, S.B., Johnson, A.G., Rosa, S.N., Marineau, M.D., Wright, S.A., Hay, L.E., Widlansky, M.J., Jenson, J.W., Wong, C.I., Banner, J.L., Keener, V.W., and Finucane, M.L. (2019). “Water resources on Guam—Potential impacts of and adaptive response to climate change,” U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5095, 55 p., sir20195095.
Bell, T., Lander, M.A., Jenson, J.W., Randall, R.H., Partin, J.W., Prouty, N.G. (2019). A 50-Year Sr/Ca Time-Series from an Enclosed, Shallow-Water Guam Coral: In situ Monitoring and Extraction of a Temperature Trend, Annual Cycle, and ENSO and PDO Signals. Journal of Coastal Research 35(2): 269-286.
Norhana, A.L., Hardt, B.F., Banner, J.L., Jenson, J.W., Partin, J.W., James, E.W., Lander,M.A., and Bautista, K.K. (2017). “Trade Winds Drive Pronounced Seasonality in Carbonate Chemistry in a Tropical Western Pacific Island Cave—Implications for Speleothem Paleoclimatology,” Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 18(1): 384-399. doi 10.1002/2016GC006644.
Technical Reports (five most recent)
Bourke, P., Jenson, J.W., Habana, N.C., Lander, M.A. (2020). “A Hydrogeologic Survey of Santa Rita Spring, Guam: Engineering and Design Recommendations for Rehabilitation,” WERI Technical Report No. 172: 84.
Superales, D.V.G., Habana, N.C., Jenson, J.W. (2019). “Defining and Evaluating Production Capacity for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer,” WERI Technical Report No. 170: 57 p.
Dougher, B., Habana, N.C., Jenson, J.W., Lander, M.A., Ho, K., Aguilar, G.C. (2019). “Dynamic Response of the Freshwater Lens to Natural Variations in Recharge, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Yigo-Tumon Basin,” WERI Technical Report No. 168: 45 p.
Bautista, K.K., Jenson, J.W. Lander, M.A. and Righetti, T. (2018). “Vadose Hydrology at Jinapsan Cave, Northern Guam,” WERI Technical Report No. 63, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 130 p.
Beikmann, A., Bailey, R.T., Jenson, J.W., Kottermair, M., Taboroši, D., Bendixson, V., Flowers, M., Jalandoni, A., B., M. and W., W. (2015). “Enough Water for Everyone? A Modeling Study of Freshwater Resources for Selected Atolls of Yap State, FSM,” WERI Technical Report No. 158: online.
Conference Proceedings (five most recent)
Simard, C.A., Jenson, J.W. and Lander, M.A. (2015). Analysis of Salinity in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, Bahamas.
Habana, N.C., Salvacion, J.L., Jenson, J.W. and Rouse, J.D. (2013). Vadocharge-N: A Vadose Flow and N-Transport Simulation Model for the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Pasay City, Manila, Philippines.
Miklavič, B., Mylroie, J.E., Jenson, J.W., Randall, R.H., N.Z., L. and Taboroši, D. (2012). Denudation of Eogenetic Limestone During the Last Glacial Cycle in a Tropical Environment. 20th International Karstological School “Classical Karst”: Karst forms and processes. Karst Research Institute, Postojna, Slovenia.
Miklavič, B., Mylroie, J.E., Jenson, J.W., Randall, R.H., Banner, J.L. and Partin, J.W. (2010). Interglacial Limestone and Its Geomorphic Features on Guam: Implications for Relative Sea Level Changend Flank Margin Cave Formation. 15th Symposium of the Geolgy of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions, Gerace Research Center, San Salvador Island, Bahamas.
Hoffman, S.M., Jenson, J.W., Moran, D.C. and Denton, G.R.W. (2010). Background Fluorescence in Groundwater from a Tropical Island-Karst Aquifer. AWRA 2010 Summer International Specialty Conference & 8th Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress on Tropical Hydrology and Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing Climate, San Juan, Puerto Rico, American Water Resources Association.
Barry (Yong Sang) Kim
Associate Professor of Water Engineering
Water Quality Laboratory Faculty Coordinator
Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-1223 · E-mail:
Research Interests
Water Quality/Pollution, Water Use/Resource, Environmental Remediation
- Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 2008
- M.S. Environmental Systems Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea 2001
- B.S. Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea 1999
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor of Water Engineering, University of Guam, 2023-present
- Assistant Professor of Water Engineering, University of Guam, 2019-2023
- GHS Research Affiliate, University of Guam, 2017-2018
- Director, Samsung Economic Research Institute, 2014-2017
- Principal consultant, Samsung SDS, 2010-2014
- Post-doctoral research associate, Purdue University, 2009-2010
- Research Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 2002-2003
- CEE307 Environmental Engineering, SP-semester
- EV511 Geoscience Engineering – open channel hydraulics, SP-semester
- EV543 Hydrogeology – water chemistry, FA-semester
- EV571 Remediation Engineering, FA-semester
Research Projects
- – Ongoing
- 2023-2025 The maintenance and upgrade of the WERI water quality laboratory (PI), Office of Insular Affairs (OIA)
- 2024-2025 The analysis of saltwater intrusion into a freshwater resource with deep learning tools (PI), USGS/GHS
- 2024-2025 PFAS movement patterns in groundwater caused by the pumping activity of production wells (PI), USGS
- 2022-2025 Baseline water quality survey of Agana Swamp Hagatna Guam (PI), USGS/GHS
- 2021-2025 Information transfer of water quality analysis techniques for FSM water utility agencies (PI), USGS
- – Completed
- 2023-2024 The application of statistical and machine learning models for predicting saltwater-groundwater interactions in Guam (PI), NASA EPSCoR Seed Grant
- 2021-2023 Water quality monitoring on Joint Region Marianas Submerged Lands Guam (Co-PI with Dr. Yeo), DON (Department of the Navy)
- 2019-2024 PFOS trend monitoring in Saipan production wells (PI), USGS (in collaboration with Saipan Commonwealth Utilities Corporation)
- 2019-2022 Production-well rehabilitation assessment: lessons learned/manual for well exploration and development (PI), USGS/GHS
- 2019-2022 Workshop series on Guam groundwater resources (PI with Dr. Wen), USGS/GHS
- 2018-2021 NGLA Monitoring System Expansion & Rehabilitation Project (Co-PI with Dr. Jenson), GWA (in collaboration with USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center)
- 2018-2020 Applying passive samplers to assess sources of PFASs on Guam (PI), NIH (in collaboration with University of Rhode Island, PI Dr. Lohmann)
- 2018-2020 Guam water use data and research (PI), USGS
- 2018-2019 Investigation of potential PFAS contamination sites in the vicinity of impacted GWA production wells (Co-PI with Dr. Denton), USGS
- 2014-2019 A study on influence of seawater on biological wastewater treatment (PI with Dr. Rouse), GWA
Students (Alumni)
- – Current students/research associate
- 2024 Claire Marzan BS student (Project-Saipan PFAS, water quality)
- 2023 Isaac Snively, BS student (Project-FSM water quality)
- – Alumni
- 2024 Annette Ludwig, Research Associate (MS from Sophia University, Japan, Project – Water quality monitoring of Agana Swamp) – EA Engineering
- 2024 Julius Bonifaico, BS from University of Gaum (Project-PFAS stduy & water quality monitoring) – GHD, Guam
- 2023 Daniel Choe, Research Assistant III (BS from University of California, LA, Project – Water quality monitoring/PFAS)
- 2022 Mallary Duenas, MS (BS from University of Guam; Thesis: PFAS contamination on Guam) – WERI lab manager, Guam
- 2022 Aaron Maruzzo, MS Summer Intern (From University of California, Berkeley; Project-PFAS contamination in Saipan) – Slient Spring Institute
- 2021 Keoni Paulino, BS (Project-Water Use Data on Guam) – Duenas Camacho and Associates (DCA), Guam
- 2020 Lyuqin Liu, MS (BS from Hohei University, China; Thesis: Nitrification of salt wastewater) – Engineer, Division of Environmental Quality, the State of Arkansas
- 2020 Joseph Casila, BS (Project-GHS management) – PhD student at University of Pennsylvania
L. Liu, Y. Kim*, M. Yeo, Y. Wen, “Stepwise increment of salinity for evaluating the ammonium removal efficiency of synthetic wastewater in an aerated bioreactor”Water Air Soil Pollutant, 235, 622 (2024).
Y. Kim*, A. Maruzzo, H. Yelin, “Detection and trends of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) in the public water supply system of Saipan, CNMI,” International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology, 10, 188-191 (2022).
M.H. Yeo*, V.T.V. Nguyenm Y. Kim, T.A. Kpodonu, “An integrated extreme rainfall modeling tool (SDExtreme) for climate change impacts and adaptation” Water Resources Management, 36, 3153-3179 (2022).
U. Patil*, A. Shelton, M. Catahay, Y. Kim, S.S.C. Congress, “Influence of vegetation in improving the stability of a hill slope in a tropical climate setting” Environmental Geotechnics, 2100064, 1-20 (2022).
G. Ferdinand, G.H. Mohammad*, Y. Kim, Y. C. Iyekar “Comparative effects of composted organic waste and inorganic fertilizer on nitrate leachate from the farm soils of northern Guam”, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 9, 87-102 (2021).
Y. Kim, S.H Lee*, “Quantitative analysis of Spirulina platensis growth with CO2 mixed aeration”, Environmental Engineering Research, 23, 216-222, (2018).
K. Kim, Y. Kim*, M.D. Gurol, “DNAPL TCE oxidation with permanganate: Influence of the phase transfer catalyst pentyltriphenylphosphonium” Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 224, 1735-1741, (2013).
Y. Kim, L.N. Nyberg, B. Jenkinson, C.T. Jafvert*, “PAH concentration gradients and fluxes through sand cap test cells installed in situ over river sediments containing coal tar” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 15, 1601-1612, (2013).
M. Kim*, Y. Kim, W. Lee, “Analysis of directional neighbor discovery process in millimetre wave wireless personal area networks” IET Networks, 2, 99-101, (2013).
D. Roh, J. Lee, Y. Kim, W. K*, “Analysis of Scope 3 Management characteristics for the best greenhouse gas management companies by utilizing CDP data”, Journal of Climate Change Research, 3, 225-234, (2012).
M. Kim*, Y. Kim, W. Lee, “Performance analysis of directional CSMA/CA for IEEE 802.15.3c under saturation environments” ETRI Journal, 34, 24-34, (2012).
Y. Kim*, Y.S. Kim, S.H Kim, “Investigation of thermodynamic parameters in thermal decomposition of plastic waste-waste lube oil compounds” Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), 44, 5313-5317, (2010).
Y. Kim, C. T. Jafvert, S. Yoon, S. Hyun* and B. Johnson, “Potential consolidation induced NAPL migration from coal tar impacted river sediment under a remedial sand cap” the Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162, 1364-1370, (2009).
Y. Kim, Y.S. Kim, K. M. Kim, S.U. Jeong, S.H. Kim*, “Thermal decomposition kinetics of polymeric wastes using a nonisothermal thermogravimetric method” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9, 219-224, (2003).
Y. Kim, H.I. Park, D.K. Kim, D.W. Pak*, “The growth characteristics of Spirulina platensis in cylindrical photo-bioreactor” Korean Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 18, 277-281, (2003).
Y.S. Kim, Y. Kim, S.U. Jeong, W.L. Yoon, S.H. Kim*, “Adsorptive characteristics of tar in pyrolyzed waste lubricating oil on activated carbon” Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12, 373-376, (2001).
Y.S. Kim, Y. Kim, S.U. Jeong, W.L. Yoon, S.H. Kim*, “Tar formation kinetics and adsorption characteristics of the pyrolyzed oil from waste lubricating oil” Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12, 12-15, (2001).
Technical/Project Reports
A. Maruzzo, Y. Kim*, H Yelin, “Trends in Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, 2015–2020, Southern Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands”, WERI TR 183, (July 2024)
L. Liu, Y. Kim*, Y. Wen, J.D. Rouse, “Effect of seawater on nitrification in a biofilm treatment process”, WERI TR 174, (October 2021).
Y. Kim*, “Work Plan – Water Use Data and Research in Guam”, USGS WUDR (January 2020).
G. Denton*, J. Cruz, Y. Kim, “Stormwater discharges from wetlands in American Memorial Park, Saipan: Impact on fish mercury levels in receiving waters”, WERI TR 167, (December 2019).
N. Habana*, Y. Kim, K. Bausista, J. Jenson, “Guam Hydrologic Survey and Comprehensive Water Monitoring Program”, Annual GHS report, (September 2019).
N. Habana*, Y. Kim, J. Jenson, “Guam Hydrologic Survey and Comprehensive Water Monitoring Program”, Annual GHS report, (September 2018).
Regional Engineering/Hydrogeology/Water Quality Scientific Advisory Reports
Miklavič, and Y. Kim. Hydrogeological Assessment of the Area of the North Aircraft Parking Ramp (P-012) Development Plan, Andersen AFB, Guam – Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Profiling. RCUOG, Client: Geo-Engineering and Testing (October 2024)
Miklavič, and Y. Kim. Hydrogeologic Assessment of doline and soil pipes discovered from excavation at P309, Camp Blaz, Guam-Phase II – Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Survey. RCUOG, Client: Granite-Obayashi 2 A Joint Venture (April 2024)
N.C. Habana, B. Miklavič, and Y. Kim. Hydrogeologic assessment of doline and soil pipes discovered from excavation at P309, Camp Blaz, Guam-Phase I. RCUOG, Client: Granite-Obayashi 2 A Joint Venture (February 2024)
Y. Kim, and M.Y. Yeo. Biophysical monitoring assessment of Manell-Geus restoration sites via water quality. HE, Client: The Nature Conservancy (August 2022)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and M.Y. Yeo. Hydrogeologic assessment of Newly-Breached Sinkholes in Sectors T25, L33, AH28 and AL25 in the J-0001B Finegayan Utilities and site improvements project. RCUOG, Client: Granite- Obayashi a Joint Venture (GOJV) (July 2020)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and N.C. Habana. Hydrogeological assessment of the Urban Combat Training Project Site, Anderson AFB, Guam, Final Draft for Comment. RCUOG, Client: Merrick and Company (June 2020)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and N.C. Habana. Hydrogeologic assessment for closed-contour depressions identified in the J-0001B Finegayan Utilities and site improvements project. RCUOG, Client: Granite- Obayashi a Joint Venture (GOJV) (October 2019)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and N.C. Habana. Geotechnical assessment of the NSSAR Site, Live-Fire Training Range Complex, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. RCUOG, Client: Black Construction Corporation (September 2019)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and N.C. Habana. Hydrogeologic assessment of the suspect sinkhole area at AC15 NIC Site: J-001B Finegayan Utilities and Site Improvements Project, Phase 1, Marine Corps Activity Guam. RCUOG, Client: Granite- Obayashi a Joint Venture (GOJV) (March 2019)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and N.C. Habana. Hydrogeological assessment: Live-Fire Training Range Complex, sinkhole, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. WPGC, Client: Black Construction Corporation (October 2018)
Jenson, J.W., Y. Kim, and N.C. Habana. Terrain analysis and sinkhole reconnaissance: planned firing range, Northwest Field, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam (P735 Firing Range). WPGC, Client: Duenas Camacho and Associates (DCA) (July 2018)
Mark A. Lander
Assistant Professor of Meterology
Water & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam
Mangilao, GU 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-2695
Blaž Miklavič
Assistant Professor of Geology
Water & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam
Mangilao, GU 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-2693
Ross Miller
WERI Interim Director | Assistant Professor of Meterology
Water & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam
Mangilao, GU 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-2145
Yuming Wen
Associate Professor of GIS Water & Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam
Mangilao, GU 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-2687 · Email:
- Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (Concentration on GIS, spatial analysis and modeling, and remote sensing), University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, USA, 2004
- PhD Candidate in Geography (GIS and remote sensing), University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 1999-2000
- M.Engr. Surveying (Concentration on GIS), Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 1996
- B.Engr. Surveying, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, China, 1993
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor of GIS, and then promoted to Associate Professor of GIS, Water and Environmental Research Institute, University of Guam, USA, 2004-present
- Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant (Focusing on GIS, remote sensing, spatial analysis and modeling): University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA, 2000-2004
- Teaching Tutor Assistant: Department of Geography, the University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2000
- GIS Research Assistant/Software Developer: State Key Lab of Resources and Environment Information System (LREIS), Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 1996-1998
- Surveying Engineer: Huaye Real-estate Development Company(Hong Kong), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 1995
- GIS Tutor: College of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1994-1995
- Computer Programmer: Land Management Bureau of Ningyang County, Shandong, China, 1992
- Cadastral Surveyor: Land Management Bureau of Tai’an, Shandong, China, 1991
Advanced Geospatial Methods, Applications of GIS, Fundamentals of GIS, Remote Sensing of Environment, Topographical Surveying Practicum, Environmental Impact Assessment (Co-Instructor), Environmental Science Seminar, Guest Lecturer for Environmental Soil Sciences, Introduction to Research (MPA course), Guest Lecturer for Engineering Graphics, and Engineering Orientation Introduction to ArcGIS I, Working with ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, and ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools & Functionality Introduction to GIS for Government of Guam Employees (Three days customized GIS training, 4 classes, April 21 – May 19, 2010) Introduction to GIS for Guam Telephone Authority (5 days customized GIS training, November 17 – 21, 2014) GIS Boot Camp for faculty, staff and graduate students at the University of Guam (February 26 – April 8, 2016) Introduction to GIS Using ArcGIS Pro for Granite-Obayashi Joint Venture Guam, August 10-11, 2020
Research Projects
- 9/2020 – 1/2021. (Co-Investigator). Planning and Development for a Sustainable STEM-Outreach Program: Hawai‘i’s Aspiring Engineers Academy, funded by NASA MUREP (Minority University Research and Education Project) and NSF INCLUDES (Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science)
- 3/2020 ~ 12/2021. (PI). Establishing Groundwater Protection Zones in Guam, funded by USGS and Guam Hydrological Survey (GHS).
- 3/2020 ~ 12/2021. (PI). Geospatial-temporal Analysis of Patterns and Trends of Salinity in Finegayan, funded by USGS and GHS.
- 3/2020 ~ 2/2021. (Co-PI). Workshop Series on Guam Groundwater Resources, funding sources: USGS and GHS.
- 3/2019 ~ 12/2020. (PI). Hydrological Features and Analysis of Finegayan Area, Guam, USA, funding source: United States Geological Survey (USGS).
- 3/2019 ~ 12/2020. (PI). Development of A GIS-based Model for Visualization and Analysis of Salinity in Northern Guam Len Aquifers, funding source: Guam Hydrological Survey.
- 3/2019 ~ 2/2020. (Co-PI). Workshop Series on Guam Groundwater Resources, funding sources: USGS and GHS.
- 3/2018 ~ 2/2019, (PI). Visualization of Salinity Patterns and Trends in Northern Guam Len Aquifers, funding sources: Guam Hydrological Survey (GHS).
- 3/2018 ~ 2/2019, (PI). Workshop Series on Salinity, funding sources: USGS and GHS.
- 3/2017 ~ 2/2018, (PI). GIS-based Analysis of Groundwater Salinity in Guam, funding source: GHS.
- 3/2016 ~ 2/2017, (co-PI). Workshop Series on Guam Groundwater Resources, funding sources: USGS and GHS.
- 3/2016 ~ 2/2017, (co-PI). Annual trend reporting, and maintenance and development of the GHS/WERI database, funded by Guam Hydrological Survey.
- 3/2015 ~ 2/2016, (PI). Impacts of Land Cover Change on Groundwater Quality in Saipan, funded by US Geological Survey (USGS).
- 3/2014 ~ 2/2015, (PI). Develop a GIS Model for Analysis of Groundwater Quality Data in Saipan, funded by USGS.
- 3/2013~2/2014, (PI). Land Cover Change Detection in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), funding sources: US Geological Survey (USGS) and US EPA.
- 12/2012 ~ 11/2013, (PI). Development of a GIS-based model for Groundwater Quality Data Analysis on Guam, funding source: Guam Hydrological Survey (GHS).
- 10/2012 ~ 9/2013, (Co-PI), Digital Atlas of Northern Guam, funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
- 3/2011 ~ 9/2012, (Co-PI). Develop the Erosion Potential GIS-based Tool for the Piti/Asan Watershed, funded by NOAA.
- 10/2007 ~ 12/2012, (PI). Spatio-temporal Analysis of Groundwater Quality in Guam, funded by Guam Hydrological Survey.
- 10/2010 ~ 9/2011 (Co-PI), A GIS-based Watershed Management Plan for the Piti-Asan Watershed, funded by NOAA.
- 3/2010 ~ 2/2011, (PI). Applications of LiDAR Data for Inarajan Watershed Management, funded by USGS.
- 3/2010 ~ 2/2011, (Co-PI). Development of a GIS Database for the Saipan’s Drinking Water System, funded by USGS.
- 3/2009 ~ 2/2010 (PI), Impacts of Land Cover Change on Groundwater Quality in Guam, funded by US Geological Survey.
- 4/2006 ~ 12/2010 (PI), Environmental Science MS Scholarship funded by NOAA.
- 5/2008 ~ 8/2009 (Co-PI), ESRI GIS Grant for 4-H, funded by ESRI, Inc., USA.
- 3/2008 ~ 2/2009, (Co-PI). Using Remote Sensing to Determine the Change in Soil Erosion and Sediment Loads from Guam Badlands, funded by USGS.
- 6/2007 ~ 8/2008, (Co-PI). Precision Mapping of Isohyets in Target Storms over the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, funded by United States Environmental Protection Agency and Government of Guam.
- 3/2007 ~ 2/2008, (PI). Land Cover Accuracy Assessment for Southern Guam, funded by USGS
- 3/2006~2/2007, (PI). Watershed Land Cover Change Detection in Guam, funded by USGS
- 10/2007 ~ 9/2008, (Co-PI). Estimating Erosion Potential for Southern Guam Watersheds Using a Newly Developed GIS Based Erosion Potential Model, funded by NOAA
- 3/2007 ~ 2/2008, (Co-PI). Identifying the Optimum Land Coverage Practices for Reducing Soil in Ugum Watersheds Using a Newly Developed GIS Based Erosion Potential Model, funded by USGS
- 3/2006 ~ 2/2008, (Co-PI). Hydrological Modeling of Atoll Islands in the Federated States of Micronesia, funded by USGS.
- 3/2005 ~ 9/2008, (Co-PI). Developing a Digital Watershed Atlas for Guam, funded by USGS, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
- 3/2005 ~ 2/2006, (Co-PI). FSM Atoll Groundwater Resource Inventory, funded by USGS.
- 9/2001 ~ 8/2004, Project “Spatial Diffusion Modeling for Simulation of Urban Land Cover Change”, part of the project “Multiple Innovative Models in Regional Land Cover Change Study”, funded by NASA(NAG5-8829)
- 9/2000 ~ 8/2001, Project “Land Cover Change in Rhode Island from 1972 – 2002 and the Impact on Forest Ecosystems”, funded by Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station.
- 7/1997 ~ 8/1998, Project ” Research into 3W(What, when and where) Base in Temporal GIS” co-sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) and Institute of Remote Sensing and Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- 8/1996 ~ 6/1997, Project ” Design and Development of GIS Software System APSIS, All-purpose Spatial Information System”, one of the National Ninth Five-year Plan key projects of China
- 6/1992 ~ 10/1992, Project “Establishment of Cadastral Management Information System in Ningyang County, Shandong”, a testing project for establishing a general cadastral management information system in Shandong Province, China.
Wen, Y. (2020). GIS Analysis of Groundwater Salinity, in The Handbook of Natural Resources 2nd Edition Volume III: Wetlands and Habitats (Editor: Yeqiao Wang), pp79-86, published by CRC Press.
Wen, Y. and J. Jenson. (2020). Impacts of Sinkholes on Salinity Level of Groundwater in Finegayan Area, Guam, USA, EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 237, id.08010: The 29th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 29), Hefei, Anhui Province, China, Edited by Liu, D.; Wang, Y.; Wu, Y.; Gross, B.; Moshary, F. DOI:10.1051/epjconf/202023708010
Wen, Y. and Chambers, D. (2016). Land Cover Change in Saipan, CNMI from 1978 to 2009, International Journal of Environment and Resource, 2016, 5(0), 7-14. doi: 10.14355/ijer.2016.05.002.
Wen, Y. and D. Chambers. (2014). Land cover change detection in Saipan, Technical Report 149, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Sidike, A., Zhao, S. and Wen, Y. (2014). Estimating soil salinity in Pingluo County of China using QuickBird data and soil reflectance spectra, to be published in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 26 (2014) 156–175.
Gong, J., Y. Yue, J. Zhu, Y. Wen, Y. Li, J. Zhou, D. Wang and C. Yu. (2012). Impacts of Wenchuan Earthquake on the Chaping River Channel Change, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33:12, 3907-3929.
Wen, Y. (2011). Impacts of Human Activities on Groundwater Quality in Guam, Mariana Islands, International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Vol. 7, Issue 5, pp 243 – 256.
Wen, Y., Khosrowpanah S. and Heitz L. (2011). Land Cover Change of Watersheds in Southern Guam from 1973 to 2001, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume179,Number 1 – 4, 521 – 529 (DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1760-5).
Wen, Y. (2011). Application of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data for Land Cover Change Detection in Guam, USA, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, June 24-26, 2011, Shanghai, China. DOI: 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5981058.
Wen Y. and Khosrowpanah, S. (2011). Application of LIDAR Data For Delineation of Inarajan Watershed In Guam, USA, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Surveying and Geospatial Information Systems (SGIS2011), May 21 – 22, 2011, Fuxin, Liaoning, China.
Wen, Y. (2010). GIS-based Analysis of Groundwater Quality in Guam, USA, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Environmental Indicators & 2010 Annual Meeting of International Society of Environmental Indicators, September 13 – 16, 2010, Hefei, China.
Khosrowpanah, S., Wen Y. and Taborosi D. (2010). Developing Digital Watershed Atlas of Natural Resources of Southern Guam, Proceedings of HIC 2010, Tianjin, China, September 7 – 11, 2010.
Wen, Y., Kottermair M., Golabi M. and Khosrowpanah S. (2010). Spatio- temporal Analysis of Badland Extent in Southern Guam, Mariana Islands Using Tonal Analysis, ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings, San Diego, California, USA, April 26 – 30, 2010.
Khosrowpanah, S., Wen Y. and Kottermair M. (2010). Spatial Distribution of Badlands in the Ugum Watershed: Characterization and Temporal Analysis. Technical Report No. 126, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific (WERI), University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 29 pp.
Wen, Y. (2009). Change Detection of Land Cover in Northern Guam, in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Beijing, China, September 9 – 12, 2009.
Wen, Y., Khosrowpanah S., and Heitz L. (2009). Land Cover Accuracy Assessment for Southern Guam, Technical Report 125, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Wen, Y., Khosrowpanah S., and Heitz L. (2009). Watershed Land Cover Change Detection in Guam, Technical Report 124, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Wen, Y. (2008). Spatio-temporal analysis of land cover change in the coastal zone of Southern Guam, in Proceedings of The Ninth Biennial Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference-PORSEC 2008 “Oceanic Manifestation of Global Changes”, December 2 – 6, 2008, Guangzhou, China.
Khosrowpanah, S., Wen Y., Jocson J. and Taborosi D. (2008). Natural Resources Atlas of Southern Guam, Technical Report 116, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Denton, G. R. W., Golabi, M., Wood, H., Iyekar, C., Concepcion, L. P. and Wen, Y. (2008). Impact of Ordot Dump on Water Quality of Lonfit River Basin in Central Guam II: Aqueous Chemical and Biological Contaminants, Micronesia 40 (1/2): 149 – 167.
Khosrowpanah, S., Heitz, L., Wen, Y. and Park M. (2007). Developing a GIS- based Soil Erosion Potential Model for the Ugum Watershed, Technical Report 117, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Denton, G.R.W., Olsen, M.C. and Wen, Y. (2007). Solid Waste Disposal in Guam: The Impact of an Unsanitary Landfill on the Metal Status of Adjacent Aquatic Community Representatives. In: Wang, Y. et al. (Eds.). Progress in Environmental Science and Technology, vol 1. Science Press, Beijing, pp1169-1176.
Golabi, M., Denton, G., Wood, H., Wen, Y. and Iyekar, C. (2006). Soil Properties and Its Impact on the Mobility of Contaminants Leached Down Gradient of Ordot Landfill in Central Guam, Paper number 062151, ASAE Annual Meeting, July 9 – 12, 2006.
Golabi, M., Denton, G., Wood, H., Wen, Y. and Iyekar, C. (2006). Impact of Ordot Dump on Water Quality of Lonfit River Basin in Central Guam I, Micronesia: 39(1):41 – 54.
Denton, D., Kelly, W., Wood, H., and Wen, Y. (2006). Impact of Metal Enriched Leachate from Ordot Dump on the Heavy Metal Status of Biotic and Abiotic Components in Pago Bay, Technical Report No. 113, Water and Environmental Research Institute, University of Guam.
Denton, G. R.W., Golabi, M. H., Iyekar, C., Wood, H. R., and Wen, Y. (2005). Mobilization of Aqueous Contaminants Leached from Ordot Landfill in Surface and Subsurface Flows, Technical Report No. 108, Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam.
Wen, Y. (2005). Spatial Diffusion Model for Simulation of Urban Land Cover Change, UMI
Wen, Y. and Wang, Y. (2004). Validation of Spatial Diffusion Model for Simulation of Suburban Sprawl, ASPRS Annual Conference Proceedings (abstract), Denver, CO, May 23 –28, 2004
Wen, Y. and Wang, Y. (2004). Cell-based Dynamic Modeling of Urban Land Cover Change, the 100th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 14-19, 2004
Wen, Y. and Wang, Y. (2003). Spatial Diffusion Modeling for Simulation of Suburban Sprawl, ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference Proceedings, Anchorage, AK, May 5-9, 2003
Wang, Y. and Wen, Y. (2002). Spatial Diffusion Modeling in Simulation of Suburban Sprawl: A Case Study in the Chicago Metropolitan Region, NASA’s Land Cover Land Use Change (LCLUC) Program Science Team Presentation.
Wen, Y. and Wang, Y. (2002). Spatial Diffusion Modeling: A New Approach in Simulation of Urban Sprawl, ACSM- ASPRS 2002 Annual Conference Proceedings, Washington DC, April 19-22, 2002
Huang, S., Jin, J., Duan, J. and Wen, Y. (1999). A New Method for Estimating Variogram Parameters in Geostatistics, Geology and Exploration, 35(1): 41-43
Wen, Y. (1998). Geosystem Science and Its Applications in Global Environmental Changes, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 33(5).
Wen, Y. (1998). Population Problem is very Important to the Sustainable Development in China, Regional Sustainable Development, a Supplement of China Population Resources and Environment, pp 25-27, July 1998.
Wen, Y. (1997). Dialectic View Point of Sustainable Development, Surveying and Mapping of Sichuan, 20(4): 182-184.
Wen, Y. (1997). Applications of Fractals to Topographical Data Processing, Proceedings of Geoinformatics Conference of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences & the Fourth International Workshop on Geographical Information System (IEAS & WGIS), Beijing, August 18-22, 1997.
Conference Presentations
Wen, Y. Salinity Problems in Guam, 41st CLASS Annual Research Conference: Building Strength & Sovereignty in the Pacific, University of Guam, March 6, 2020
Wen, Y. and J. Jenson. (2019). Impacts of Sinkholes on Salinity Level of Groundwater in Finegayan Area, Guam, USA, the 29th International Laser Radar Conference, Hefei, China, June 24-28, 2019.
Wen, Y. (2018). GIS-based Analysis of Salinity in Yigo-Tumon Basin, Guam, USA, 2018 International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2018), Hangzhou, China, June 15-17, 2018.
Wen, Y. and D. Chambers. (2017a). Impacts of Land Cover Change on Groundwater Quality in Saipan, CNMI, USA, 3rd International Conference on Water Resource and Environment, Qingdao, China, June 26-29, 2017.
Wen, Y. and D. Chambers. (2017b). GIS-based Analysis of Groundwater Quality in Saipan, CNMI, USA, the 9th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH 2017), Hangzhou, China, June 16-18, 2017.
Wen, Y. and D. Chambers. (2017). Analysis of Water Quality Data, Geospatial Pre‐Conference Workshop & Training, 8th Regional Conference on Island Sustainability, Sustainability, Mangilao, Guam, April 17-21, 2017.
Wen, Y. and D. Chambers. (2016). Change Detection of Land Cover Change in Saipan, 37th Annual Research Conference, University of Guam, March 8, 2016.
Wen, Y. (2015). Land Cover Change from 1978 to 2009 in Saipan, CNMI, USA, ISPRS/GEO/ICA workshop on Trust in Spatial Data and Validation of Global Land Cover Products, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, June 5-7, 2015.
Wen, Y. (2015). GIS-based Analysis of Groundwater Quality Data on Guam, Plenary Panel 1: Climate Change Science and the Challenges Facing the Pacific Islands, 2015 Conference on Island Sustainability, Guam, April 15 – 16, 2015.
Wen, Y. (2015). Land Cover Change in Guam, 36th Annual Research Conference, University of Guam, March 10, 2015.
Wen, Y. (2011). Application of Multi-temporal and Multi-source Data for Land Cover Change Detection in Guam, USA, 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, June 24-26, 2011, Shanghai, China.
Wen Y. and Khosrowpanah, S. (2011). Application of LIDAR Data For Delineation of Inarajan Watershed In Guam, USA, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Surveying and Geospatial Information Systems (SGIS2011), May 21 – 22, 2011, Fuxin, Liaoning, China.
Wen, Y. (2011). Impacts of Human Activities on Groundwater Quality in Guam, Mariana Islands, 7th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Hamilton, New Zealand, January 5 – 7, 2011.
Wen, Y., Kottermair M., Golabi M. and Khosrowpanah S. (2010). Spatio-temporal Analysis of Badland Extent in Southern Guam, Mariana Islands Using Tonal Analysis, ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference, San Diego, California, USA, April 26 – 30, 2010.
Wen, Y. and W. Law. (2009). Geographic Information Systems, the SBPA Research Symposium, December 4, 2009, University of Guam, Mangilao, GU
Wen, Y. (2009). Change Detection of Land Cover in Northern Guam, 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth, September 9 – 12, 2009, Beijing, China
Wen, Y., M. Kottermair (2009). Water Quality Data Preparation for GIS Analysis, 30th Annual College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) Research Conference, University of Guam, March 10, 2009
Khosrowpanah, S., Y. Wen, M. Kottermair. (2009). Spatial Distribution of Badlands in Ugum Watersheds: Characterization and Temporal Analysis, 30th Annual College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) Research Conference, University of Guam, March 10, 2009
Wen, Y., K. Khosrowpanah and L. Heitz (2008). Land Cover Classification Accuracy Assessment in Guam, American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, April 15 – 19, 2008, Boston, MA
Wen, Y. (2008). GIS Program at University of Guam, The 3rd Pacific Association of Land Professionals Conference, Guam Community College, Mangilao, GU, March 17 – 20, 2008
Wen, Y., K. Khosrowpanah and L. Heitz (2008). Watershed Land Cover Classification Accuracy Assessment, 29th Annual College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) Research Conference, University of Guam, March 11, 2008
Wen, Y. (2007). GIS-Remote Sensing Integrated Simulation of Land Cover Change, Workshop of Oversea Chinese Professionals in Earth Observation and Digital Earth, November 19 – 21, 2007, Beijing, China
Denton, G.R.W., Olsen, M.C. and Y. Wen (2007). Solid Waste Disposal in Guam: The Impact of an Unsanitary Landfill on the Metal Status of Adjacent Aquatic Community Representatives, 2007 International Symposium on Environment Science and Technology, Beijing, China, November 13-16, 2007.
Wen, Y., K. Khosrowpanah and L. Heitz (2007). Watershed Land Cover Change Detection in Guam, American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, April 17 – 21, 2007, San Francisco, CA
Wen, Y., K. Khosrowpanah and L. Heitz (2007). Land Cover Mapping for Southern Guam Using Satellite Imagery, 28th Annual College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) Research Conference, University of Guam, March 13, 2007
Khosrowpanah, K, Y. Wen and L. Heitz (2006). Digital Watershed Atlas for Guam, to be presented at the 27th Annual CLASS Research Conference, University of Guam, March 14, 2006
Wen, Y. (2005). GIScience: A Powerful Tool for Geographical Data Processing and Analysis, 26th Annual CLASS Research Conference, University of Guam, March 7-8, 2005
Professional Training
ArcGIS Server: Web Administration Using Microsoft .NET Framework Introduction to ArcGIS Server A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Lidar and Imagery Processing and Analysis GIS Program Management Introduction to ArcGIS I, ESRI Introduction to ArcGIS II, ESRI Learning ArcGIS 9 Spatial Analyst, ESRI Remote Sensing for Spatial Analysts, NOAA Coastal Services Center Geospatial Statistical Analysis Workshop, University of Rhode Island Franklin Covey Signature Program Featuring The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Franklin Covey
Professional Registration/Certification/Authorization
Certified GIS Professional, GIS Certification Institute (#00051379), USA since 2005 Authorized Training Program (ATP) Instructor, ESRI, USA, 2005 – 2010
Chris (Myeong-Ho) Yeo
Assistant Professor of Water Engineering and Hydrology
Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific
University of Guam, Mangilao Guam 96913
Phone: 1-671-735-2693
- PhD Civil Engineering – Water Resources & Hydrology, McGill University, Dept. of Civil Eng., Montreal, Canada, 2008-2014
- MSc Environmental Engineering – Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chungnam National University, Dept. of Environmental Eng., Daejeon, South Korea, 2003-2005
- BSc Environmental Engineering, Chungnam National University, Dept. of Environmental Eng., Daejeon, South Korea, 1995-2003
EV511: Geoscience/Engineering EV542: Hydrology
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Water and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) of the Western Pacific University of Guam Aug. 2019 – Current
- Post-Doctoral Associate, New York City Dept. of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) Feb. 2017 – Jul. 2019
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, McGill University – Montreal, Canada Nov. 2014 – Jan. 2017
- Research Assistant, McGill University – Montreal, Canada Jan. 2008 – Oct. 2014
- Research Assistant, Chungnam National University – Daejeon, South Korea Mar. 2003 – Feb. 2005
- Research Associate, Korea Institute of Toxicology – Daejeon, South Korea Apr. 2005 -Jun. 2007
Research Interests
Modeling of hydrologic processes over different spatial and temporal scales Regional estimation of extreme hydrologic variables (extreme rainfalls, floods, temperature extremes) Stormwater management modeling and flooding modeling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDs) Forecasting and simulation of hydrologic series Environmental assessment modeling Climate change impacts and adaptation in water management Coupling climate change scenarios and watershed management models
Research Projects
USGS-CNMI: (PI) A sustainable plan for stormwater management and flooding at Garapan, Saipan (CNMI: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)
USGS-FSM: (PI) Comprehensive hydrological database for secure water resources in Tofol watershed, Kosrae Island (FSM: Federated States of Micronesia)
USGS-FSM: (PI) Digital Atlas of Chuuk – A Geospatial Map and Data Server for Resource Management
Guam Hydrological Survey: (PI) Ecological contribution of groundwater discharge to the coastal ecosystem in Tumon Bay, Guam
NASA Space Grant: (PI) Sustainable planning for floods with context of climate change or Tumon Bay
Guam EPSCoR: (PI) Exploring the Ecological Contribution of Submarine Groundwater Discharge to Coastal Ecosystems along Guam’s Northwest Coastline (completed 2020)
NASA EPSCoR: (PI) 3-D Simulation of freshwater plumes generated by groundwater discharges around the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, Guam (completed 2020)
Research Publications
Master’s Thesis: Numerical Study for Environmental Systems: Properties of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) -diffusion & Bio-capsule Floating Techniques.
PhD Thesis: Statistical Modeling of Precipitation Processes for Gaged and Ungaged Sites in the Context of Climate Change.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2016) A Statistical Approach to Downscaling of Daily Rainfall Process at an Ungauged Site, in Advances in Hydroinformatics, edited by Philippe Gourbesville et al., Book ISBN 978-981-287-615-7, Chapter 20.
Yeo, M-H., Nguyen, H-L. Nguyen, V-T-V. (2019) A Statistical Tool to Modelling of Daily Precipitation Process in the Context of Climate Change, Journal of Water and Climate change, DOI:
Yeo, M-H., Frei, A., Gelda, R., and Owens, E. (2020) A Stochastic Weather Model for Generating Daily Precipitation Series at Ungauged Locations in the Catskill Mountain Region of New York State. International Journal of Climatology, DOI:10.1002/joc.6230.
Mukundan, R., Hoang, L., Gelda, R., Yeo, M-H., Owens (2020) Water Quality Responses to Future Climate in a Water Supply Watershed, Journal of Hydrology, DOI:
Yeo, M-H., Nguyen, V-T-V., and Kpodonu, T.A. (2020) Estimating parameters and construct Confidence Intervals for IDF curves using Scaling-GEV distribution model, International Journal of Climatology. 2020:1-13.
Yeo, M-H., and Frei, A. (2020) Statistical Downscaling Approach to daily precipitation for ungauged locations in the Southern Quebec, Environmental Pollution and Climate Change (in review)
Yeo, M-H., Nguyen, V-T-V., and Kpodonu, T.A. (2020) An Integrated Extreme Rainfall Modeling Tool (SDExtreme) for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, Environmental Modeling & Software (in review)
Conference Proceedings
Yeo, M-H, Kim, H-S, Seo, M-S, Jang, D-S. (2003) Numerical study of the design of wastewater treatment system by bio-capsule floating techniques. Conference of Korea Society of Environmental Engineers.
Yeo, M-H, Jang, D-S, Kim, H-S, Seo, M-S. (2005) Numerical study of VOCs diffusion characteristics in the Shihwa-Industrial Area. Conference of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers.
Nguyen, V-T-V., and Yeo, M-H. (2011) Statistical Downscaling of Daily Rainfall Processes for Climate-Related Impact Assessment Studies, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Annual Conference, June 14-17, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2013) Statistical Modeling of Daily Rainfall Process in the Context of Climate Change, Proc. of the CSCE General Conference, May 29-June 1, Montreal, Quebec, 6 pages.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2013) Modeling of Short-Duration Extreme Rainfall Processes for Climate-Related Impact Studies in Urban Areas, 21st Canadian Hydrotechnical Conf., May 14-17, Banff, Alberta, pp. 553-562.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V (2013) Statistical Modeling of Extreme Rainfall Processes in the Context of Climate Change, Proc. of the Third Climate Change Technology Conference, May 27-29, Montreal, Quebec, CCTC 2013, 12 pages.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V (2013) A Stochastic Approach to Generating Daily Rainfall Series at an Ungauged Site, SMART WATER GRID INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2013, 12-14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2014) A Statistical Approach to Downscaling of Daily Rainfall Process at an Ungaged Site, SimHydro 2014: Modelling of rapid transitory flows,11- 13 June 2014, Sophia Antipolis.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2014) A Spatial-Temporal Statistical Modeling of Sub-Daily Extreme Rainfall Processes for Climate Change Impact Assessment in Urban Areas, 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 7-12 September 2014, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Nguyen, V-T-V., and Yeo, M-H. (2014) A Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Approach to Construction of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Relations in the Context of climate change, 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 17-21 August 2014, New York, New York, USA.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2015) An Integrated Extreme Rainfall Modeling Tool for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Urban Areas, 22nd Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference, 29 April – 2 May 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2016) A Decision Support Tool for Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Rainfall Processes, Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) World Environmental & Water Resources congress, 22-26 May, 2016, West Palm Beach, USA.
Yeo, M-H., and Nguyen, V-T-V. (2016) A Decision Support Tool for Assessing the Climate Change Impacts on Local Rainfall Extremes, Statistical Hydrology (STAHY) of the International Commission on Statistical Hydrology (ICSH), 26-27 September, 2016, Quebec, Canada.