(L-R) WERI EV graduate students, Ms. Hazelle Ko and Ms. Mary Clare Snaer, at NGWA Groundwater Week in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 2024.
The National Groundwater Association (NGWA) held their annual Groundwater Week in Las Vegas, Nevada from Dec 10-12, 2024. The conference drew attendees from professional and academic backgrounds from across nation and the globe, marking the event as the fourth largest attendance in NGWA’s history.
This year two research assistants from WERI, Ms. Hazelle Ko and Ms. Mary Clare Snaer, attended the conference to share the latest on their research work.
Ms. Mary Clare Snaer, a current EV graduate student, demonstrated her work on deep observation wells (DOWs) titled, “Dynamic Response of the Water Source in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer.” The quality and preparation of her presentation has impressed the NGWA presentation judges, and Ms. Snaer was recognized and was awarded with the Farvolden Scholarship during the conference. She was among four recipients of the scholarship, which awards the student attendees pursuing studies in the groundwater field—such as hydrogeology, water resource management, water well construction supply, geology, and so forth.
During the same presentation session, Ms. Hazelle Ko, an EV graduate student who has recently defended her thesis and will be graduating as a master this December, delivered her research on “Chloride Trends in the Yigo-Tumon Basin, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, 1973-2022: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors.”

Ms. Mary Clare Snaer on stage presents her research work on the “Dynamic Response of the Water Source in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer” in a session at Groundwater Week 2024.

Ms. Hazelle Ko shares her work on “Chloride Trends in the Yigo-Tumon Basin, Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, 1973-2022: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors” during the same presentation session as Ms. Snaer.